Today is a great day to test your safety switch

Routinely testing your safety switch is essential, don't wait until there's an electrical accident to find out it's not working.

Safety Switch North Brisbane

In some home's the switchboard is located in a nice clean cupboard away from debris but in most instances, it is outside on a wall in amongst the bushes, cobwebs, and insects. Out there, moisture and dust can cause the safety switch to stick, preventing it from triggering in an emergency, when it's most needed.

When to test the safety switch

To avoid sticking the switch should be tested at least twice a year, more often if you can remind yourself to do so. The first day of the new financial year is a great day to use for one test. A neat 6 months later, on New Years Day, is the obvious choice for the next test but that time of year tends to be frantic and often when we take holidays. Choose another date early on in the year and add a reminder to the calendar on your phone, tablet or PC. Pick a day, any day.

What happens when you press the test button?

Don't worry about messing with your appliances when you do a test. Most electrical appliances in your home will reset themselves easily when the power comes back on. The most you will have to do is reset your digital alarm clock or the time on the microwave. Things that will probably not happen if you test your safety switch:

  • the light bulbs won't blow.
  • your TV won't forget where all the channels are.
  • the PVR won't stop recording your favorite shows.
  • the computer won't loose all it's information. Although we recommended that you turn off and unplug your pc before testing.
  • food won't spontaneously defrost in the freezer.
  • the coffee machine will not forget how you like your double, decaf soy latte.

Things that will happen if you test the safety switch regularly:

  • it will detect any leaks in the electrical current.
  • the switch will stop the flow of electricity in around 30 milliseconds, less than the time it takes your heart to beat.
  • this will reduce the incidence of serious injury or death from an electric shock.

What if the switch doesn't reset?

To find out what to do if your safety switch fails to reset after you have tested it read - What to do if your safety switch trips? Alternatively, give our electrical team a call to find the issue on 07 3883 2119.

Safety switches save lives every day. Take just 10 minutes out of the 8765 hours this year to test your home's safety switch. The life it saves could be yours.