Do you have a Safety Switch?

Master Electricians' research shows that 15 people are killed and 300 hospitalized every year from electric shocks at their home. In most cases, a safety switch would have prevented this.

Should a safety switch be compulsory?

Electrical Safety Switch Brisbane

At the moment, it is compulsory to install a Safety Switch on both power and lighting circuits of any new house and the power circuits only for existing houses when they are sold or rented out. The Master Electricians are pushing for Safety Switches to be installed on all electrical circuits of all homes. This has been recently substantiated by the Queensland State Coroner at an inquest into an electrical death.

What does a safety switch do?

An Electrical Safety Switch will detect an electric shock and cut the flow of power in a few hundredths of a second. This is faster than the critical phase of a heartbeat, so in most cases will save a life. A shock can occur through someone putting a knife into a toaster, a faulty electrical appliance or light fitting or a home handyman drilling into a live wire (as happened with the Insulation deaths).

Regardless of whether it becomes law for all homes to have safety switches fitted on all circuits, we believe that they should. Why risk your life or the life of your family? Contact us to find out how easy and affordable it is to have an electrical safety switch fitted to your home circuits.